The Team

A true food lover and always the one to finish off the left-overs in the fridge. His childhood years were spent in enjoyment standing next to his grandmother in the kitchen, prepping and cooking together.
With such a strong family bond strengthened by cooking and sharing meals, he values food as more than something that fills the stomach, but as a gesture of love taught by his parents.
He wanted to become a chef ever since he was 10 years old. He worked part time at a noodle stall in his Kampung. However, he got a taste of what it’s like being a chef since he was six.
Having graduated from Berjaya University as a certified and professional chef, he seized the opportunity to work with masters of the fine dining scene.
When he is not unlocking new recipes, he spends his free time watching movies. His keen eye for detail excels in the kitchen, where he ensures everything under his radar is performed seamlessly.

Born in the peaceful town of Taiping known for its kopitiam culture. He often revisits the memory of a wanton noodle stall next to a Chinese Temple runned by twin aunties and the curry chicken and nasi kunyit from the kopitiam in town. Up till now, he can vividly recall the smell of burning charcoal and spices when cooking chicken in his grandmother’s kitchen. These are the memories he carries with him and got him through his transformative years moving to a big city to further his studies.
In the big city he came to find that people are truly spoiled for choice when it comes to food. But to him, nothing compares to what he grew up with in Taiping.
He then followed his cousin sister’s footsteps and enrolled in Berjaya University in pursuit of his culinary passion. He fell in love with cooking when mastered the art of filleting fish and meat.
Yong Zhi’s involvement in his high school marching band shaped him to be a true team player. Today, he orchestrates teamwork within the kitchen and keeps coordination in check.

Shi Yan – Restaurant Manager
Shi Yan graduated from Business & Hotel Management School, Switzerland awarded by Robert Gordon University, United Kingdom. Her remarkable career having spent time in hospitality experience in 5 stars hotels and fine dining restaurant. She was the first staff for Eat and Cook and on the team when the restaurant earned “American Express One to Watch Award by Asia’s 50 Best Restaurant”.